POWERplex is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all coaches, athletes, and families.
POWERplex is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment as best as possible for all coaches, athletes, and families. Until COVID-19 is either eradicated, a vaccine is developed, or a cure is found, there is no way to eliminate the risk of infection. POWERplex strongly encourages all participants to follow the recommendations and safety precautions of the Health and Safety Guidelines while at the facility.
All safety precautions are subject to change as new guidelines are enacted for the region. POWERplex will communicate all updates to guests of the facility via website, social media, emails, and/or signage within the facility These guidelines are designed to be shared with everyone, guests and facility employees alike, to provide as much clarity as possible to resume activities.
All facility employees will promote the best hygiene and social distancing practices. POWERplex asks that all guests adhere to these guidelines in order to keep each other safe and healthy. We have the POWER to make the world healthy once again!
Maximum occupancy is limited to 25% of rated capacity per venue (i.e. Volleyball Training Center, Softball/Baseball Training Center, etc.). Only athletes and coaching employees will be permitted to enter the facility, except for one adult parent/guardian per athlete under the age of 11. Spectators may only stand in the common areas/hallways and respect the social distancing guidelines.
All facility employees, coaches, athletes, and other guests of POWERplex are required to wear a face mask while on the property. Face masks must cover one’s nose and mouth completely.
POWERplex will have designated entrances and exits for the facility. Signage will be posted for both so facility employees and guests clearly see the ingress and egress procedures.
All facility employees will be required to check their own temperatures prior to arriving to the facility. If an employee has a temperature above 99˚F they will not be permitted into the facility. The employee must remain fever or symptom free for at least 14 days.
POWERplex will feature multiple hand sanitation stations throughout its venues for frequent use by employees and guests. These stations will be located near entries and exits to the facility and individual venues. High touched surfaces within the facility will be wiped down with a medical-grade sanitizing agent.
All facility employees and guests must practice 6’ social distancing as recommended by CDC, federal, state, and local health authorities. Signage throughout the facility will assist in promoting social distancing measures.
POWERplex signage will be placed strategically throughout the facility to communicate the guidelines in place.
Guests are asked to stay home if they or a family member are experiencing flu like symptoms or are not feeling well. .
Guests are required to wear face masks while at POWERplex. Face masks must be worn by athletes during all activities.
Guests are asked to sneeze and cough into their arms instead of their hands to avoid touching their faces with their hands. Guests are asked to sanitize their hands frequently while in the facility.
Guests are asked to maintain 6’ social distance between one another. Guests are asked to avoid high-fives, handshakes, and close team huddles.
All clubs/organizations that partake in activities at POWERplex are required to ensure social distancing and sanitation protocols are upheld. Club/organization directors are responsible for ensuring that the venue and sporting equipment they used is sanitized prior, during, and after they have finished their activities. Club/organization directors are responsible for keeping detailed information of their participants. If a participant of their club/organization is diagnosed with COVID-19, it is the directors’ priority to notify all other participants impacted immediately. Communication can be done via phone call, email, text message, and/or social media.
These guidelines are provided for general informational purposes only and are not intended as, or should be relied upon as, specific medical or legal advice. All participants are strongly encouraged to consult with qualified medical personnel and/or public health officials for medical advice. Also consult with federal, state and local orders and/or laws for legal considerations. If you use any considerations provided herein, you do so at your own risk and specifically release from all liability, POWERplex and their team in connection with your use of the enclosed guidelines. POWERplex make no warranties or statements as to the completeness, reliability, accuracy of the information contained herein. All POWERplex sanctioned activities will be required to adhere to federal, state, and local guidelines and POWERplex insurance coverage will only be provided for activities that are allowed under federal, state, and local government directives.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] or call 314-528-2020 if you have any questions about our Health & Safety Guidelines.